Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Faith Wears Blue Jeans

I am a Christian and my faith wears blue jeans. I say that because I try to live my faith everyday. I don't always succeed. I am not a cookie cutter, plastic banana christian. I live as a sinner saint. I do my best to live the christian ideal but I fail. I do not always want to go to church but i go even when I am not motivated. I try standing for the truth and yet be merciful. We all mess up. In Christ, there is forgiveness. Does that mean we can sin without limits? No. The big struggle is to live and proclaim the truth without being a jerk about it. Sometimes you don't have a choice. Peope will not always want to hear what you have to say. It is hard taking a stand.

I laugh, I cay and I try to enjoy the things of this world while still livng consist with my beliefs. It is not eaasy. No one ever said it would.

1 comment:

Kae said...

This is beautiful.

I wish I had said it. *G*
