Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I am a libertarian ( a;mosr)

When it comes to politica, I am conservative and I am I like the libertarian position for the most part. I believe in having the smallest government possible. Issues should be handled on the lowest possible level. The people involved know the issue and are needed for the solution to work. The only problem with this view is that it only works with a moral people. For a society to function, each person must either practice self restraint or have restraint put upon them from outside. Absolute freedom is an illusion. Even the most free people have curbs put on their behavior. I would rather restrain myself andbe free from the restraint of someone else. Too many people just want what they want and do as please to their own long term pain.

I think I need to come back to this one. There is too much to say on this and none of it is clear for now.

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