Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Judge judy/ Judge Joe Brown

These two shows are entertaining mainly for the poin t at the stupid person and laugh factor. Most of these cases would not have happened if people thought first and acted grown up. if you borrow money, pay it back. If you brak something, pay for it. It's no big deal when it is a case of the person who is at fault says they are at fault and disafree on the sttlement but when the person does not want to pay because the person should have known better than to lend them money then you sit back and laugh. You can usually tell who is going to lose the case. It is whoever is speaking the most. The person who has the better case does not have to dress their side up and work as hard to try to convince the judge. The more I watch these shows, the more I think that being smart and honorable will avoid most to all court cases. Even if it doesn't, it will take you a far ways and you could do a lot worse. Mark Twain was right, common sense ain't too common any more and I get the feeling it is getting more scarce.

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