We got a foot of snow last night. Needless to say, several if not all the church services in the area were canceled. When at least two municipalities in the area had snow emergencies, then it is time to have church service at home. There are plenty of devotions and plenty of religious shows on radio and television to be able to get one that fits your needs. I am all for regular church attendance but let's get real, life gets in the way. (As long as that is not a reason to slack off and not go.) It's all about priorities balanced with being safe. Having an in home devotions when the roads are unsafe are a good option. It is during the exceptions of life when it is important to know what principals you live by instead of just trying to do the right thing. Principals tell you what to do when when there is a conflict between doing right things. I think I just got off track of my original topic.
We got a foot of snow last night. It was interesting listening to the scanner and hearing the plow crews during a coordination of what roads to do. The snow came a lot later than the weather forecasters were calling for. We also did not come close to the maximums they were calling for last night. I understand the need to warn the public so you can be prepared and make smart choices but to over warn can cause as much problems as not being warned. We went caroling yesterday with the kids from church. To listen to the weather people, we should not have even gone out the door at noon. As it was, it did not get slick to late afternoon and we still went out for pizza at 6pm last night. i was glad to get in when we did because it was getting to the point where it was not bad but it was time to start heading home and staying put for the night.
Anymore, if I hear that bad weather is coming, it just mean that I need to pay attention and do what I need to until the weather puts an end to that. I think those who participate in panic mongering about the weather should be slapped and publicly humiliated for stirring things up. In a demented sorta way its funny but it gets old in a hurry.
Anyway, we are dug out for now, I will be spending the next few days to get the driveway and sidewalks cleaned up better but they are functional now. It is suppose to be clear for the next couple of days and I am hoping but not counting that will also help with the snow clean up. That doesn't always work. that doesn't start working until March and then not always all the well.
Until later, keep warm and keep your stick on the ice.