Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Going Indy

I think it is funny that the more I go digital with my entertainment, the further from network TV and corporate radio I get. I have one mp3 player for nothing but music and another for nothing but podcasts. Between that and shortwave, I have very little for normal commercial radio. With DVD's, that eliminates commercial TV for the most part. I am getting far too use to what i want on demand. It does not hurt that I have several hobbies to keep mind and body busy. I guess that is why i thought it was funny when the dish satellite guy asked me what i would do for TV when the digital turn over came in. There is more to do than watch the one eyed mind sucker. Don't think I don't like some mindless entertainment but it is my choice to indulge instead of being my derfault thing I do.

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