Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What the Heck? II

I think I need to revise my thoughts of yesterday's blog. Between hearing more reports and seeing additional footage, the way situation looks a lot different. It amazes me how just hearing it or a good edit can reverse how something looks. I knew that happens but this one hooked me good. Lesson learned. Don't be so quick to comment and check it out.

The reason I jumped on it so fast is that you absolutely have the right of free speech but i did not temper that with you don't have the right of absolutely free sppech. You can't yell fire in a theatre, you can't wake up the neighbourhood in the middle of the night with your political beleifs and you can't libel someone. There is a responsibility with every right. The struggle is how do you speperate speech you disagree with and people that are actually behaving badly. Far too many people bahave badly under the flag of first amendment. Others fail to act under the the same flag or just don't want the confrontation.

It is not easy . Vigilance us the price of freedom and if anything good comes out of tazorboys antics, maybe this will get people talking about free speech, police intervention and how the media protrays things.

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