Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Guy/Gal Dynamic

Every so often I think about how guy/gal relationships go. It is a weird tension that goes there. I have had friends who happened to be female without being girlfriends. I have had female friends who have become girlfriends and one who became my wife and is still my friend: A very special friend and my best friend but still a friend. I honestly believe that a man and a woman can be friends without sex being a part of the relationship but what I don't believe is that it can entirely be without the sexual tension . It does not have to be obvious or overt but there is still at least a small spark of attraction. There is always that potential of opening up that bottle with the genie in it. It may even be buried so that the pair are not consciously aware of it. To me that is the scary part. When you don't know it is there, it can slip out and you may wind up in a situation you did not necessarily find yourself in. It also could lead to the now couple to date. Friendship is the basis of a good marriage. Good looks and great sex are great for getting into love but it does not carry the relationship for the long haul. Somewhere in there, liking and loving each other much form. Do all guy/gal relations have to end in sex? NO. Are good marriages started by friendships? In my opinion , yes. It is a tough thing to keep clear sometimes but if we are reminded where the rocks of sexual tension are and they do exist even under the water, we can sail the boat of friendship safely.

I'll get off my soapbox. Hopefully this has been clearer than mud. I don't know if I understand this all the time but know this to be awfully close to truth and correct. Just two cents worth for what it is worth.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Very well said. And not just because I'm the "wife" component of that blog entry. :D