Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Monday, January 21, 2008

Welcome to the Deep Freeze

Statistically, the third week of January is the coldest week of the year. The fourth week is a close second. This past weekend wanted to remind us of that around NE Indiana this weekend with geting down to around 0 F.I can tolerate the colder weather pretty good but that is still on the cold side for me. Candlemas or Ground Hog's Day is less than two weeks away. I usually look forward to that date because the days start getting noticeable longer and the weather starts seams a bit less brutal if not warmer. It gets old to be getting up and going to sleep in the dark amd th elonger days will be nice. Lent also helps count off the time for spring and it is nice to compare the later and later sunsets with the Wednesday night services.

I guess I should not be surprised I dream of spring when the weather is the coldest. Here's hpoing for warmer days.

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