Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

This week's website is and the link is HERE. I am a very johnny come lately but I have been really enjoying this site. We dropped our subscription a while ago to save a few bucks. With me finding out about hulu and hearing about netflicks offers and the fact there is a device that can hook directly into your tv to display your streaming tv,i am thinking that cable and satellite services are in trouble. This service is not much extra on top of what I am paying for Internet which I still have kept. It is cheaper than paying for cable or satellite and internet. Besides that, I can get shows on demand. I think my paradigm for entertainment just changed. It does not get me access to the latest shows or all the shows i want but man does it it take the need (more like want) for subscription tv to go away. The economy has made me look at new ways to get more for less. This is helping with this. Not perfect but helping.

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