Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Hacker's Quarterly

This week's website is dedicated to hacking. they also have some radio shows/ podcasts. Check them out here.

Tobasco Ad

There is a reason why I love Tabasco


Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have been checking out Ubuntu (link). It is a Linux OS. I have been wanting a Linux box for a while and this just might be a way to do it. So far I have been able to make a working boot flash stick using it. So far, I have been enjoying it. I need to do a bit more work to get it a fully functioning os on the stick. I have been learning a lot and feel like I am swimming over my head with this but hopefully I can get this to work. Since Linux is open source, I am hoping to play with that as well. Hopefully I can geet a Linux Lab for the price of a flash drive. Check back for more details.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Letterboxing North America

Since I am starting to get inot letterboxing, here is another letterboxing site called letterboxing North America (link). Like I said last week, it is going hunting for hindden boxes and is quite fun. It is also a very similar hobby to geocaching and waymarking but not quite. Variants of a theme with different flavors. Check it out and enjoy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Peak Summer Heat

Statistically speaking, where I live is entering the hottest part of summer. Funny thing is that June had some hotter weather than we are having now. I am not complaining. It would be nice to have the peak of summer be mild and then August not be all that bad. I am hoping for this and not expecting. August and September can both be hot and nasty. That does not mean they have to be. At least with August and September, the days are hot and the nights are more tolerable whereas as July is just hot. Keep in mind this is a generality and not written in stone.Kinda be nice if the worst part of the heat was on the milder side this time around. Here is to hope.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Atlas Quest

This week's webness is (link). It is one the websites for letterboxing that is out there. It is about an interesting treasure hunt where you get clues to find hidden boxes. check it out.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Walking Site

As I have mentioned in my diet posts, I have exercising by walking a lot more. The walking site can give you more information on that. The link is here.